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‘Ercolano’ as it’s called in Italian is the other major set of ruins preserved from the disaster of the 79AD eruption of Mt Vesuvius.

I was interested to go to see if there was more plaster casts than there I saw at Pompeii because of how much closer Herculaneum was to the base of Mt Vesuvius. To see what I mean here’s a map with Pompeii and Herculaneum marked, Herculaneum is the top.

Because of the location it’s a shorter trip down the Circumvesuviana line and I was happy to see that it seems to be much less populated than Pompeii was, so I was keen to see if I could get some better quality shots of the ruins.

As you can see, you’re immediately greeted with a walkway above the ruins for a full view of everything. You then can make your way down inside and get to travel through at street level.

As the park is smaller than the Pompeii it’s easy to see everything in a half day, so we headed down the coast and spotted a place to relax and have a few spritzes.

It has been interesting getting across these two major tourist attractions here in Naples – but having done them I’m excited to move on to something a little different and more adventurous. Back next time with an update on how I went.