I was a little disappointed with my park tour of Rome having missed some of the main parts of the parks. I was also determined to make sure that I got a decent day of interesting walking and photos in, but didn’t really want to stay in the tourist hot-spot that most of Rome is.
So I spent some time in the night before researching which attractions were left and which were actually worth seeing. I ended up reading about this castle up north called Castello Orsini-Odescalchi. It’s got a bit of history to it and it’s a popular wedding venue for celebrities.
The journey was about 1hr 20mins from Roma Tiburtina station, and the train ride was only EUR 3,60 so I made the commitment to the journey; and I’m glad I did.
In addition to taking in the sights of the town architecture and incredible views over the volcano-formed lake, I took the tour of the castle which gave even more views
The interior is extremely well preserved. They were even setting up for a wedding while we took the tour.
Overall it was a pretty inexpensive and great little trip, much slower pace than the other touristy things to do around Rome (and less walking) which was a welcome change.
My time in Rome is soon drawing to a close. It’s been fun but I’m looking forward to the rest of my plans – stay tuned.