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Sensōji is the popular tourist spot and temple in Asakusa, which is right near where we were based for this leg of the Tokyo journey. This was the first taste of overtourism in Japan, which is at least comparable to Europe if not worse. This is especially the case at the Shinto shrines.

It’s a weird atmosphere actually, weaving amongst these vibrant imposing buildings while tourists flock to every corner. Shinto shrines are pretty but they’re not the main attraction as far as I’m concerned – so I don’t want to be posting a million of them on here, even though it’s likely I’ll visit the main ones at each city.

After a spot of lunch we just did a quick walk over to the Skytree tower.

These little Gitarelle are punctuated by plenty of time wandering around the shops in Tokyo – it’s such a big place it’s hard to sort of capture in a format like this. I could go around and start profiling neighbourhoods, but I think it’s probably not worth it. Instead, I might just stick with this format where the rough trip plans become their own Gitarellas.

Until next time!