Dark Light

Well I was up very early in Venice with some time to kill, so I thought it would be worth taking a stroll through the city to see what its like without the characteristic crowds.

What struck me through the experience of walking down the empty streets and canals is how much you notice when your attention is not being constantly diverted by watching out for people walking into you or trying to avoid crowded groups where pickpockets prey.

It was serene and spooky all at the same time. I couldn’t get over how much easier it was to navigate without all the people. The signs to all Venice’s most important landmarks and streets were easy to spot where they would otherwise have been obstructed by the torrent of distraction as you make your way through the busy streets.

I wasn’t the only one out early for some good shots – I saw at least one photographer with a large camera taking scenes of the sunrise at Piazza San Marco. Definitely a time for a unique look at a city otherwise bustling with activity.

I think that will do me for tours within the city. For me the architecture and landscapes are enough – Venice has some great art and indoor activities to do, but what I didn’t do on my last trip I’m happy to skip now in favour of getting a few more unique experiences around the broader region.