Dark Light

Before my time was up in Salerno was up I wanted to visit the Arechi Castle. I didn’t have to ask ChatGPT or Google to find this castle – it’s got an imposing view over the entirety of Salerno that you can see from just about anywhere.

Its position makes it a popular vantage point for shots of all of Salerno, and it didn’t disappoint. The trail to the Castle starts by leading you up a series of steps giving you a progressively wider shot of all of Salerno, before I took a detour up the windy road for a peek at some of the the hinterland.

The road keeps winding offering more and more views down to Salerno at various angles, until you finally arrive at the entrance to the Castle.

The castle grounds then emerge and you get stunning panoramic vistas of the Salerno harbour, container port and the town itself, including some vistas peering through the broken castle walls. Behind the container port peering through the misty clouds are the mountainous slopes of the Amalfi coast, where I was riding in the previous update.

I then noticed signs for a nature path up to the ‘Bastiglia’ (Bastion/Fortress) which of course I followed up to see if I could get even better views. There were a few interesting vistas; different to the ones already captures at the Castle. I then set off home and got a selfie coming back over the view of Salerno.

This was a great little half day trip and a must-do if you’re into photography. If I had a zoom lens at this castle you could have created some incredible magic. I think it’d also be best captured at early sunrise, when the light peeks over the horizon in Salerno facing the Castle.